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Constance Iloh Griffith – Our Truths, Be Told – 2023

Constance Iloh Griffith  is a visual artist, photographer, anthropologist, and creative consultant. Through film and digital photography, Iloh celebrates the power and potential of the still image. A persistent chronicler of themes of light, darkness, oppression, culture, style, faith, and humanity; Constance has been featured by Photo Vogue, the Tavis Smiley Show, and National Public Radio (NPR). Constance’s work includes portraiture, editorial photography, photojournalism, fashion photography, fine art photography, and street photography. She is also the author of works such as the seminal, “Do It for the Culture: The Case for Memes in Qualitative Research” in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

You can learn more about Constance Iloh Griffith and her artistry by visiting her websites, and

Constance Iloh Griffith can also be followed on her InstagramTwitterYouTube, Facebook, Tiktok, Tumblr, and WordPress pages. 

The Gallery

The Work

I sometimes wonder what might be left of me as life has its way with me. “Let Love Never You” is a collection that represents how nearness, touch, and connection preserves and transforms the very best we have to offer.

Come Close
Archival Pigment Print

You Are the Question, I Have an Answer
Archival Pigment Print

Archival Pigment Print