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Group Interview for Work-Study Candidates (Online Meeting)

  • Thursday
     January 23, 2025
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Online Meeting via Zoom

The Los Angeles Center of Photography (LACP) will be holding a group interview for work-study candidates on Thursday, January 23, 6-7 pm PST online via Zoom. (Please RSVP no later than 5:30 pm PST on January 22). We are seeking individuals looking to assist with the administration of our photography workshops, classes, exhibits, events, and/or daily administrative tasks while gaining valuable, hands-on experience in the photo world.  Ideal candidates should be responsible and courteous, possess excellent customer service skills, basic understanding of photography fundamentals, Mac computer proficiency, ability to work with others, a desire/passion to learn, and enthusiasm for photography and the arts.

In addition, work-studies are often called upon to lend support for the organization’s numerous public and private events, gallery/exhibit installations and openings, and photography expos/trade shows. Work-studies appointed as course assistants will be responsible for overseeing select workshops (online and/or in-person) with duties such as setting up the classroom, assisting the instructor, helping students as necessary, loading images onto a Mac computer, and other tasks as assigned.

Work-studies are paid in credit at a rate of 25 credits/hour that can be used toward enrolling in a class or workshop. Further, work-studies appointed as course assistants may, with instructor and administrative approval, be permitted to take select workshops at no charge in trade for helping administer the class.


  • One Session
  • Date:Thursday, January 23, 6-7 pm PST
  • Free and Open to the Public
  • Location: Online

A details email complete with the Zoom link will be sent to the attendees prior to the start date. Please read the instructions included in the email. If you have additional questions please email

Details Price Qty
RSVP for Group Interviewsshow details +$0.00 USD  

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso


If you are a current LACP member, please log-in before registering to get special members-only rates for this class or event.