Personal Territory: LACP’s Ninth Annual Members Exhibition, 2023
Sep 14, 2023 – Mar 14, 2024

LACP’s annual Members Exhibition delves in to our personal perspectives of–and relationships with–lands, cities or uncharted terrains: imagined topographies and tangible locations.
Top Prize Winners
First Place – Diane Meyer
Second Place – Laurie Freitag
Third Place – Elizabeth Bailey
Andi Campognone, MOAH Museum Director and curator
Virtual Opening Reception
Thursday, September 14, 7 pm PST. RSVP HERE
Exhibiting Artists
Elizabeth Bailey, Sheri Behr, Douglas Caldwell, Tracy Chandler, Gina Cholick, Annie Claflin, Stephanie Cochinos, Dora Duan, Richard Dweck, Fran Forman, Laurie Freitag, Kymberli Ghee, Joan Haseltine, Douglas Hill, Jim Hill, Claudia Hoag, Mark Indig, Seyedeh sareh Jalali, Michael Kirchoff, Peter Krask, Alison Lake, Denise Laurinaitis, Lisa Levine, Kerry Mansfield, Natalie McGuire, Diane Meyer, Louise Russell, Alina Saranti, Richard Stanley, Stephanie Sydney, Joshua Tann, Emerson Xia, Torrance York, Ellen Zimmerman
It might be a land or a town we inhabit, a space that either rejected or welcomed us, or a place we imagined a certain way before encountering its realities. It could be our adoptive or chosen home, or a plot of family land we never got to see. Whether concrete or imagined, territories define how we understand our place in the world, how we tell ourselves our histories and the stories of our belonging.
LACP’s annual Members Exhibition delves in to our personal perspectives of–and relationships with–lands, cities or uncharted terrains: imagined topographies and tangible locations.
The Juror
Andi Campognone has over 30 years of arts experience in the southern California region. She is the Owner/Director of AC Projects, a private consulting organization focused on promoting arts and culture. Projects include developing museum exhibitions, public engagement, mentoring programs and book and film publications of historically relevant southern California artists.
Campognone is also the Museum Manager/Curator for the City of Lancaster. She is responsible for the development and maintenance of partnerships and community engagement initiatives with local artists, local businesses, Los Angeles County Arts Commission, Los Angeles County Supervisors office and higher level institutions. She develops curatorial direction for exhibition and educational programming and is directing the Museum accreditation process for MOAH. She has previously served the City of Pomona as Cultural Arts Commissioner where she co-wrote and implemented the City’s Master Cultural Arts Plan and the adopted Arts in Public Places Policy. Campognone is on the Board of the Lancaster Museum and Public Art Foundation and on the Board of the Holualoa Foundation for Arts and Culture. She volunteers as a regular speaker and mentor to art students at both the undergraduate and graduate level and is on the advisory boards of Start Up Art Fair Los Angeles and Los Angeles Arts Association. She is a member of ArTTable.
Juror Statment
It is always a pleasure to collaborate with LACP and I thoroughly enjoyed viewing all the submissions for Personal Territory. While many of the photographs interpreted the theme through the physical landscape without the presence of the figure, that presence wasn’t necessary to recognize themes of personal introspection, self-evaluation, and a keen commentary on our place as humans in the world.
I found, as I examined the work, strong connections to the sublime even in imagery that might be viewed as disturbing. The dream like representations made through the use of mixed media and alternative processes were meaningful, a refreshing break from the standard applied function of the 2D medium, which elicits both hope and excitement as artists expand on ideas of what defines a photograph.