Sherrie Berger

Sherrie Berger ( is a photography consultant with a background in photography, art, and business. She has extensive experience in entertainment, high-end celebrity portraiture, fine art photography, production, editing, marketing and public relations. In addition to teaching and inspiring photographers, Sherrie continues to consult with private clients on photography events, such as The Lucie Awards, and PopArt Photo Show, on exhibitions, and with individual photographers on the presentation of their body of work and overall career trajectories. She conducts portfolio reviews at the Palm Springs Photo Festival, LACP’s Exposure Festival, and in New York during Photo Expo and is a member of the jury on several international photo competitions. Her career began at ABC television where she led the west coast network photo department, overseeing a team of publicists, photographers, producers and editors. Subsequently, she joined Corbis, one of the world’s leading international stock and syndication agencies, where she continued to work with the industry’s most talented photographers. Sherrie graduated with honors from UCLA’s fine art department with a degree in Art and Photography. She returns to her alma mater as a requested speaker in various classes and has participated in alumni entertainment mentoring events. Sherrie, a board member at LACP, is a contributor to APA National’s online Inspiration website, and a member of the Publicists of the International Cinematographers Guild of America.
LACP Interviews Sherrie Berger
LACP asks Sherrie Berger ten questions about her background, career in and beliefs about photography.
Los Angeles Center of Photography: What kind of photographer are you?
Sherrie Berger: I am a fine art photographer. I also photograph the works of creative entrepreneurs who want to expand their businesses.
LACP: How long have you been shooting?
SB: Drawing, painting or shooting my entire life?
LACP: Where did you get your training?
SB: I studied art at UCLA.
LACP: When did you know you wanted to devote your life to photography?
SB: The first time I saw an image come up in the darkroom.
LACP: Did you ever come close to giving up?
SB: Never. I always made art but I’ll admit it wasn’t always photography.
LACP: Have you sacrificed anything by being a photographer?
SB:I chose to combine business and art and didn’t sacrifice, just expanded.
LACP: What have you gained by being a photographer?
SB: I have learned how to reflect the light on other photographers and their work so they can shine.
LACP: What classes do you teach at LACP?
SB: I teach ‘Steps to Success for Photographers.
LACP: What do you love most about teaching?
SB: I love the transformative process, seeing my students jump over the perceived hurdles and move forward in their own careers.
LACP: What advice would you give someone who is thinking about making a career in photography?
SB: Take my class!