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The Art of Collage: Expanded Workshop with Sarah Hadley (Online Learning – Four Sessions)

Have you ever wanted to delve into the world of collage or discover innovative techniques for combining images? Join artist Sarah Hadley for an immersive online workshop designed to elevate your creative practice through the art of collage. In this class, Hadley will guide you through a variety of methods employed by both historic and contemporary artists.

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Developing a Language for Your Art with Camilla E Brown (Webinar)

In this webinar, curator and writer Camilla E. Brown will guide you through the process of developing a project or artist's statement that evolves alongside your practice. With 25 years of experience in contemporary photography, Camilla will share essential tips and tools to help you find your voice, avoid common pitfalls, and write effectively about your work for online portfolios, competitions, and exhibitions

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